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Ad maiorem Dei gloriam

18.07 - 16.11.2024
Info from the organizer

Belief in God and religion were in the past one of the driving forces behind the development of architecture and art. The Roman Catholic Church had a great social influence and was an important patron for many artists and craftsmen. The exhibition pays tribute to the imagination and skill of our ancestors through a wide range of objects from the collection funds of the East Slovak Museum and is designed in three thematic areas: Art and architecture; Liturgy and Ceremonies; Personal cult and manifestations of piety. It presents exhibits from the time of the Council of Trent to the Second Vatican Council. It thus maps the period from the end of the Renaissance to the middle of the 20th century and points to the changing aesthetic standards and tastes of artists. Visitors can look at a varied palette of creations, especially works of art, goldsmith's work, historical photographs, faience, ethnographic collections and many others. They can look forward to the enamel medallions of our most famous goldsmith Ján Silaši, whose work is a national cultural monument, a copy of Raffaello's Madonna del Alba (the original is in the National Gallery in New York) or the Madonna della Scala by the Florentine artist Andrea Sarto (the original is exhibited in the Prado Museum in Madrid).

The spiritual patronage of the exhibition was taken over by Mons. Bernard Bober, Archbishop of Košice - Metropolitan.

Location : Historic purpose-built building