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05.06 - 01.09.2024
Info from the organizer

The AZZURRO exhibition speaks to the viewer from the position of its own entity. It personifies, anthropomorphizes, beckons and competes with the period of summer vacations and azure views, when almost everyone wants to spend their free time outside, and not locked inside. That's why the gallery, as part of the summer exhibition AZZURRO, ventilates its archive, opens its doors and windows. It offers the opportunity to breathe in the eucalyptus scent, drink, chew orbitals, paint your nails blue, lie down, listen to music, read, fall in love, don't be afraid to go in or out.

He selects works from the collection of the East Slovak Gallery that have never been exhibited, or places them in other relationships and blue lights. It changes the positions and importance of main and secondary motifs. It changes color, morphs shapes, emphasizes details. It shows lonely solitaires, pairs and groups. Initiates a meeting option. The color blue and all its values are thematized as value in the exhibition. Not only material, but also psychological. It is one of the most expensive natural pigments. Ultramarine blue was a very luxurious product. It was extracted from the semi-precious stone Lapis lazuli, which is still as rare as gold. Blue robes were mostly only worn by pharaohs, kings, the Virgin Mary and other saints.

Yves Klien made the ultramarine pigment famous during his performances and throughout his work, which became the pigment of modern times. Today it is referred to as IKB (International Klein Blue). He used it to refer to mystical universalism and was convinced that the blue color is the most charged with positive associations. In the current tense political and social situation, it brings the possibility of purification and rest, looking into blue eyes.

Place : Východoslovak Gallery