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Dinozrút - Plogging in Košice

180 Minutes
Free entrance

Are you ready for a unique combination of sports, entertainment and the protection of our nature?

Join us at Dinožrút on September 7, 2024 in the Nad Jazerom district and experience something extraordinary!

What is plogging?

Plogging combines running and litter picking, making it a more intense workout that's good for you and the environment. It's great for all age groups!

Why should you participate?

  • Improve your physical condition

  • You will help the environment

  • Connect with the community

You might win great raffle prizes!

Date: September 7, 2024

Time: 10:00 - 13:00

Location: Nad Jazerom district, Košice

What do you need?

  • Comfortable clothes and shoes for running

  • Gloves and garbage bags (will be provided on site)

Don't forget! Your participation means a lot not only to you, but also to our city and planet. Join us, invite friends and family, and let's make Košice cleaner and more beautiful together!

Don't forget to follow us on social media!

Instagram: Dinozrút Facebook: Dinozrút