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Figuratively speaking

12.07 - 27.10.2024
Info from the organizer

The work of the Košice artist Jonsy Gáll has resonated mainly in the Košice region since around 2010. It is an integral part of the culture of eastern Slovakia, which represents, among other things, the relationship between the artist and his birthplace. The author's poetics develops naturally over the years, which is also signaled by the painter's upcoming exhibition "Speaking Figuratively".

The exhibition presents the artist's work over the last five years, and the majority of it is made up of figurative art.

"Gáll's world is a world of appearing and disappearing, in which saints have human frailties and those who are known to few become memorable, saints. The artist's world is not turned upside down, although it might appear that way. In fact, the painter's point of view is special, exceptional. It cannot be confused with any other." Lenka Šafranová, exhibition curator

Location : Gallery near the chimney in the Historical purpose-built building of the VSM