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FRAGILE is a Slovak vocal group made up of prominent singers who interpret well-known world hits without the use of musical instruments, i.e. a cappella. The concerts of the FRAGILE group are full not only of excellent music, but also of captivating humor, thanks to which you will experience an unrepeatable evening full of great fun.

The specific and dominant feature of FRAGILE is precisely the musical genre that the group interprets. The term 'a cappella' refers to vocal music - that is, singing without the accompaniment of musical instruments. Simply put, where singers in regular music groups are assisted by musical instruments, singers in a cappella formations have to make do with their voices alone. Since there is nothing to hide behind, everything must be clean and perfect when singing a cappella. The group FRAGILE masterfully handles the challenges of this demanding genre, as evidenced by several awards, such as 3x OTO (Television Screen Personality) award in the category of the most popular music group, or Crystal Wing for the Voices CD with Richard Müller.

The word "fragile" means "fragile" and as the name of a vocal group it captures the very essence of the a cappella genre - it is fragile. When a group of singers make music together without the accompaniment of musical instruments, no imperfection is hidden. Every rhythmic or intonation inaccuracy is seen as a flaw of beauty, similar to how a scratch is seen on clear glass. Even the slightest inattention of one of the singers is enough for the musical pyramid of voices to fall apart in an instant. However, the group FRAGILE interprets the a cappella genre with ease and insight, and the energy that they will give you from the stage is hard to describe. You have to experience it yourself.

Place : GES Club