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09.10 - 10.10.2024

XXVIII. INTERNATIONAL JAZZ FESTIVAL brings to Košice a world musical experience that will get you off your chair! It traditionally carries a message and pays tribute to the founder of the festival - Gejz Szabados.

Upbeat bands from the jazz scene will come to play in our iconic GES Club, offering you 3 days full of musical energy and emotions.

In addition to various top musicians, you can also look forward to two world-class stars:

IDA NIELSEN is the former bassist of the legendary American musician PRINCE, who, according to her, "taught her to play with heart". This Danish composer and singer will bring charisma and unique style to Košice, which will captivate you from the first moment.

DIRTY LOOPS is a young formation from Stockholm, which has gained huge acclaim all over the world with its innovative approach to jazz, jazz fusion, funk, gospel and pop. Their live performances are full of unpredictable twists and musical brilliance, in which they offer jazz fusion - reharmonized covers of pop songs by world musicians.

Tickets will be on sale from 24.06.2024 from 12:00. Buy a season ticket straight away so you don't miss a single note. We are looking forward to you!

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