

Free entry Less than 15 km away Hiking Cycling

A recreational area that can please anyone seeking nature-related zen and sports opportunities to choose every day of the week! Welcome to Bankov which is most famous for its single-track network built by a local civic association KE.CY—the cycling enthusiasts who turn Košice municipal forests into their proud display. Apart from the cycling trend, you may enjoy various fireplaces for family gatherings, minigolf, historic chapels, and even follow the pilgrims of the SNP (Slovak National Uprising Heroes Trail).

Bistro Bankov, Bankov 14, 040 01 Sever, Slovensko
055/633 84 10
Families and children friendly
Free parking
Po 09:30 - 21:00
Ut 09:30 - 21:00
St 09:30 - 21:00
Št 09:30 - 21:00
Pi 09:30 - 21:00
So 09:30 - 21:00
Ne 09:30 - 21:00